English Teachers Are Happy To Share

English Teachers Are Happy To Share

Random Thoughts by Pauline

December 16 2013, Monday


Nothing is impossible! I bet this is the most quoted motto! We have just had our lunar rover Yutu, or Jade Rabbit, rolling on the Moon displaying our flag! China is now an equal in space with Soviet Union and the US.

Nothing is impossible when we have all the ingredients right – a strong dose of iron will, attainable goals and lots of patience. Then we have to mix all these regularly and persistently with the humility to learn from mistakes!

Help students to believe in this motto, especially those students who have little faith in themselves. There are always those lost souls in our classrooms, students who believe that they can never master English! Help them start this “plus ONE” project. Appreciate their baby steps! Give them a word of praise! Find a reason to give them a smile!