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English Teachers Are Happy To Share

Random Thoughts by Pauline

January 7 2014, Tuesday

Running tap

 I don't know what your habit is when you are brushing and washing up in the morning.

When I am in a rush, I have to say I feel tempted to let the  though these days, water taps are so user-friendly already and you don't actually have to turn it.
Then when you are in the shower, do you sometimes stand there enjoying the warmth of the hot water for too long especially when the weather is cold?

Do you use both sides of the paper before trashing it?  Do you shop until your wardrobe is full? How often do you throw away furniture or clothes when they still look new? Do you finish all your food when you dine? These are questions I pose to myself every day. It must have come along with age. I have started this campaign of taming my desires and shop only what I honestly need. That is what 2014 assignment - to leave the world feeling less guilty.