English Teachers Are Happy To Share

English Teachers Are Happy To Share

Random Thoughts by Pauline

March 8 2014, Saturday      
            Women’s Day

I have always been asked “If you had a choice, would you want to be a woman again in your next life?”

Well, that is a difficult if not absurd question to respond to because I can only use my own experience as a woman in this life and this world as reference when the world in my supposed next life would be entirely different with new social norms, values as well as scientific advances.

Here is my reply – I would still want to be a woman. 


This does not mean that being a woman, I have enjoyed all kinds of privileges. Quite the opposite – I have been posed with embarrassing comments like “Oh, you’re too tough for men to get along with!” or “As a woman, you shouldn’t push for higher education.” The harshest would be “You are strong! You can survive the trauma!”

And like many other women, I do care about my appearance. Men simply have to wear a suit and can attend all events! But women would have to change their shoes, wear the proper outfit and some women would even have their hair set just for a meal etc. As my hair greys, I have to get it tinted. I have to tuck my tummy in for photos etc. I am not complaining because all these add colours to my work life!


As a woman, I have enjoyed the whole process of motherhood. That is the one privilege men are not blessed with. Women have this choice – to be or not to be a mother. I hope no women are forced into being a mother and all women who have decided to be a mother will have their dream come true.