English Teachers Are Happy To Share

English Teachers Are Happy To Share

Random Thoughts by Pauline

September 24 2014 Wednesday     

Ice Bucket Challenge

For the past months, you must have all come across photos or videos showing celebrities or friends taking up the Ice Bucket Challenge for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients. How do you feel watching these people enduring this ice cold shower in various forms? I, for one, don’t feel like watching! But as a fund-raising activity, it is extremely successful. According to the press release of Hong Kong Neuro-Muscular Disease Association on September 8, a total of $20 million was raised, 20 times that of the target amount of $200,000!


The Ice Bucket Challenge requires nominated participants to be filmed having a bucket of ice water poured on their heads and then nominate others to do the same. As can be expected in this internet era of social media, this activity has gone viral and attracted tremendous public attention. Prior to the challenge, public awareness of ALS was minimal but now we have become familiar with the disease.


I feel uneasy seeing people suffer even though it is for a good cause! This reminds me of Operation Santa Claus, a charity drive originated in the 1960s long before the time of the internet and is still very robust! The name itself suggests already that it takes place during Christmas, traditionally speaking a time for giving. Popular DJs would pull crazy stunts including jumping into the chilly Victoria Harbour, reading poetry on roofs and climbing flagpoles. 


Anybody wanting to take the challenge must have a strong heart and must also find a safe place and do it in good weather conditions because news reports abound with accidents and even tragedies of these good Samaritans getting heart attack or being electrocuted while performing the act!