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English Teachers Are Happy To Share

Random Thoughts by Pauline

January 27 2014, Monday        

             Telephone Call

I was working late. It was about eight when the office phone started ringing. As it was already past office hours, there was no clerk to answer it. So I picked it up. It was a lady asking if application for Secondary One places was still open. I politely replied that it was.

I was quite perplexed why people could call for enquiry past office hours. What were they assuming? They might just have the thought at that very moment and therefore made the call!

Have you come across other cases of "matter of course"? The lift door opens and you are about to step out only to find a person standing there right in the middle. You are almost pushed back. Another situation - you push open a door and hold it for the one behind you and that very person walks past you without any gesture of courtesy!

Some might think that courtesy is pretence and is not for "cool" guys. I cannot agree. Courtesy makes us human.